Saturday, April 12, 2008

Woman wants to remove 60K bees in walls

GREENVILLE, S.C.—A Greenville County woman is working with a beekeeper to rid her home of 60,000 bees living in the walls of her house for a month. more stories like this WYFF-TV reported that Jane Walcott is allergic to bees and has been sleeping with anti-allergy medication near her bed to give herself an emergency shot if stung. Beekeeper Charlie Holden said it will take a few weeks to remove the bees, which he hopes to move to his home, where he keeps around 3 million of the insects in 50 hives. Meanwhile, about 30 miles away, beekeepers have contained a swarm of 10,000 honeybees near a downtown Spartanburg business. The (Spartanburg) Herald Journal reported that beekeeper Raymond Crocker was able to coax the honeybees away from Smith's Drug Store after two attempts earlier this week


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